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Dept: Middle School

The skills within lower school continue, to be built upon. Communication and language becomes more functional, such as writing a list for shopping. Pupils are encouraged to question and form opinions. They begin to understand responsibility, democracy and tolerance and strategies are explored to teach empathy.


Maths has a stronger focus on time, money and number skills such as times tables. Strategies for problem solving are key and in particular, how these relate to the outside world e.g., How many rolls of wallpaper are needed. Writing takes on a more functional role. For instance, completing a form to join the library, sending an email.


Basic spelling, punctuation and grammar remain as a focus so that the skills become embedded. Although staff still teach through topic, there is a greater emphasis upon specific subjects such as history and science. This way, the subjects can be explored at a deeper level. Personal Development including life skills is a curriculum area given significant time. There are so many skills that our pupils need to learn to be independent citizens that the focus has to increase in the middle school.


As our pupils start to become more independent and start to use technology more readily, internet and social media safety is paramount to their well-being, so safety features highly in the curriculum.  There are more opportunities to engage with the community, develop leadership roles and engage in events to support local charities. Children continue to develop creative skills applying these to projects such as designing Christmas cards.